Pet Safety

Planning for Your Pets During an Emergency

The best way to keep your pets safe when you can't be with them is to plan ahead: Situations include but are not limited to medical, fire, and storm related emergencies.

Here are a few tips:

  • Find a trusted family member or neighbor and give them a key to your house or barn.
  • Make sure this person is comfortable and familiar with your pets.
  • Make sure the family member or neighbor knows your pets' whereabouts and habits, so they won't have to waste precious time trying to find or catch them.
  • Make sure the family member or neighbor would be willing to take your pets and has access to the appropriate carriers and leashes.
  • If you use a pet sitting service, they may be available to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.
  • Create a pet emergency kit and place it in a prominent place where your neighbor or first responders can find it. This kit should contain a list of contact numbers for whoever will be watching your animals as well as whatever the sitter may need. (Ex. Eating schedule, location of food etc.)


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